Life's Journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, totally worn out, shouting "Wow...What a Ride!"

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Getting Caught Up (Once Again)

 The holidays are over, the lights and decorations are all put away until next year and as my friend DuWayne keeps telling me "you're way behind on the blog". While we missed our family and friends from our pre-rv days we had a great holiday here in TX with our Gulf Waters family.

Dessert table
Cindy & Faye

Christmas Eve was spent attending a few of the activities here at the park, first up was a happy (2) hour at the welcome center. Everyone brought food and their own drinks, needless to say no one went home hungry.
Dino & Sherry

Faye & Kathy

Steve and Mona Liza


Then there was the golf cart parade, led off by our local Grinch.

pudding shots were to be found on this cart-thanks Dennis & Bev


After these two activities Dave and I knew we'd be ready for something a bit quieter so we invited one of the workamper couples, Cindy & Paul, over. They are from Iowa and we've enjoyed getting to know them, a couple of hours of good conversation, a visit by some carolers and Christmas Eve 2014 was in the books.
Christmas Eve Carolers
Christmas Morning Sunrise

Christmas day was spent making family phone calls and then enjoying the company of those we know the best here at Gulf Waters, everyone brought their own steak and a dish to share. A great afternoon with good friends made for a wonderful holiday away from family.

 New Years Eve rolled around and we spent with our good friends, an evening of watching some Jeff Dunham and the movie The Villain, a 1979 movie comedy with Kirk Douglas, Ann Margaret, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Paul Lynde. We spent the evening laughing the hours away, though by 10:30 we were all ready to call it a day.

New Years Day found us out to dinner with these same folks enjoying a great prime rib dinner at a local restaurant.

Aside from the holidays we've been enjoying our time here in TX, before the end of the year I was spending time getting ready for said holidays. With shopping, trying a few different recipes, lunch out and walking with girl friends the time went by quickly. Dave is fishing any day he can, lots of fish in the freezer just wished I liked it more, oh well he's having fun and enjoying his winter.

Dave and his fishing buddy Stealafish A Sithead who's been known to take fish out of Dave's bucket

We enjoyed another bonfire on the beach one beautiful evening.

Jackie & I photo bombed by DuWayne

Dave got involved with the moving of some of the sheds to different lots, while he was glad to help he pulled some muscles and aggravated his sciatica so he's been down and out for the last couple of days, at least the weather has been rainy so the lure of fishing hasn't been there.  

We have started planning our route east and northward to VT, we'll leave here on 3/30 and head to Galveston for a few days before heading on to Abbeville and Betty's RV Park which we've heard so much about. We were able to get a reservation for 4 days so Dave will be able to get his cajun fix taken care of.

Well DuWayne I think that catches us up.
Until next time...


  1. Glad that you've been having such a good time at Gulf Waters! Hard to believe you are looking at your route northward already! :) It'll be here before we know it.

    1. Nothing better to do on the rainy days we're having and I wanted to make sure and get a spot at Betty's. While we're having a good time thinking of AZ instead next winter, want more sunshine than we are getting here, hoping Feb and March are sunny.

  2. Sounds like you've been having a wonderful time! We're looking forward to a second visit to Uncle Mick's in Prattville AL for our cajun fix :) Thanks for the was amazing :)

    1. We're taking a different route north so won't be going to Uncle Mick's this year :( Have some of their amazing food for us.

  3. A very well done catch up. Looks like you had a great time with tons of friends. I love that the first picture was of the dessert table. That's my style for sure. Hope Dave's back is better soon. Backs are nothing to mess with. They cause trouble everywhere.

    1. Thanks Sherry, everyday he's a little better but it's getting harder to keep him still. I usually check out dessert on menus first then entrees.

  4. Looks like you enjoyed a great holiday season! We tried to meet up with you back in VT last Sept/Oct. We are currently in New Orleans and heading back to CA. We will be spending time in Abbeyville also. Part of the time at Bettys on 1/18. Then we'll be at Conroe and spending about 6 weeks in TX. Perhaps we'll get another chance to meet up?

    1. I remember when you were in the VT area, would be great to meet up with y'all. Let us know when you get down to the coast area we'll be here until the end of March. Look forward to your take on Betty's, heard such great things about it, enjoy NOLA.

  5. I'm sure Stealafish has many brothers out there that have learned it's easier to snatch out of the buckets instead of catching their meals themselves.

  6. Yup! You got it done! Sure answers the question "what do you do with your time down there?"

    1. Yes I did, seems we can always find something to do down here.

  7. Lots of happenings and you guys are having soo much fun. Dave and Stealafish is starring in my latest post.
    I felt bad I did not say goodbye the day we left, I got distracted with the beginning of a sunny day :) Hope we cross path down the road someday and taste Dave's smoking meat again and a happy hour.


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