Life's Journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, totally worn out, shouting "Wow...What a Ride!"

Friday, May 30, 2014

Just waiting

I know I haven't blogged recently but not much is really going on, hanging with friends and working. Well today I planned to do a blog catch up and on thoughts from our winter but it looks like that will wait, I've received news my dad is in the hospital once again. He has never completely recovered from his hernia surgery we had when we all were in Nashville. The last time we talked he was still having to use a catheter and he was having some trouble breathing, last night he was taken by ambulance to the local emergency room in Effingham IL. Today he is being transferred to Springfield where there are heart specialist, my cousin Dennis is taking Mom to Springfield and getting her in a hotel she can taxi to and from the hospital.With out my cousin Dennis and his wonderful wife Nancy living in the same area I would worry more about my folks. I am not sure at this point but am considering I may be leaving Sunday for IL. Looked at the cost of flying, cheapest was $700 one way, think I'll be getting some more seat time in the Ridgeline. 

My Dad has been a strong supporter of our life style change, once we told him our plans he and my mom were behind us 100+% even though this would mean a whole change to their lives. My folks retired in VT because we lived there, this was 1999, we had lived in VT for 6 years and at that time retirement and our wants in it seemed a long way off. Once we left while they would have good friends there would be no family there, our sons and my brother all live in very large cities and they did not want to live or drive in a large city they wanted a small town. They have chosen to move back to IL to my mom's hometown, my cousin (my mom's nephew) has welcomed them into their immediate family and includes them in all the holidays. Because of this it makes our lives on the road less stressful, we know someone is keeping one eye on them. I used to spend summer days hanging out at cousin Dennis' house, he had three younger brothers who were nearer my age who always let their cousin from out of town hang out with them. On our travels prior to the rv if we were going to by anywhere near the area we would stop for a day or two and spend it with whatever family was available, many times it was with my cousins folks, everyone else would be working and we would see them for a dinner usually. We are planning on going through the IL area at least once a year, either going north to summer some where or south to the warmth.

We have spent many vacations with my folks over the years, because they lived so far away they usually came to see us for 2-3 weeks at a time, Mom would even come on her own each year for a few weeks, usually in the spring and we got my gardens in with the help of two young grandsons. Later years would find three generations going on a road trip, along with my brother and his family we would spend a great two weeks exploring CO and the 4 Corners area. This year my folks are thinking of spending time in Port Aransas, where we will be this winter, during the holidays prior to their heading to Englewood FL where they hope to spend a few months with my aunt.
2004 3 generations
So for now my heads not into doing any other blogging, just waiting on phone calls. I have to work this afternoon, it's shouldn't be too busy, thank goodness I just don't feel like being around too many people right now.

my folks at our wedding-1985

my folks Oct '13

Until next time...


  1. Faye, wishing all of you only the best. Hopefully, this hospital transfer will be a good thing and he'll get the help he needs so he can fully recouperate and get back to enjoying life.
    Safe travels should you decide to make the trip.'s the most important thing of all. Take care.

  2. So sorry to hear your dad isn't doing well. Hope he makes a quick and complete recovery in Springfield. Will be thinking of you and your family.

  3. Oh Faye I am sorry to hear about your dad. Seems like a hernia operation should not have kept him down so long. I hope this is nothing really serious and that you will keep us informed. We will keep him and wishes for his return to good health in our hearts. I know many people whose life full timing is greatly affected by the need to be near elderly parents.

  4. Totally understandable ... best wishes to your dad for a speedy recovery.


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