Hard to believe as slow as our life is right now that another week has passed on by, though it does seem in reflection we were a bit busy.
On Monday Dave got into the doctors to see about his heel that has been bothering him for quite some time now. After x-rays it's been determined he has bone spurs on the heel of his right foot. He was put on medical leave for a week and told to start a regiment of ibuprofen and ice 3 times a day, and to limit his activities. Fast forward to today (Sunday) aside from overdoing it a bit Saturday his heel is feeling better than it has in quite awhile. Between now and his doctors appointment he only has to work 3.5 12 hour days. He has an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon on 8/20 and we're hoping he can get in to have the spur removed soon thereafter, we're hoping this won't hold up our departure date. Seems like we just paid of the last of our doctors bills and now we'll be having another one-always something.
Wednesday evening we headed back to Huntington-where we used to own a house- for dinner with our good friends Mike & Carol, of course there was the inevitable spade game afterwards, which the girls won of course. I was the designated driver that night, wasn't a fun trip home because of all the road fuzzies, you know those little mists that hang right on top of the wet road making it hard to see the line markings at night. Was glad to get home and find I had remembered to shut all the windows.
Thursday was the day our dentist had been able to squeeze both of us in, looks like we'll have more doctors bills next year when we are here. Dave has to have a few things taken care of and I need a 3/4 crown so more dollars out the window :(
Friday was the start of my work weekend, this is pig roast weekend so lots of folks were coming in. Once again we have some co-workers of Dave's in the park, they have the coveted sites 2 & 5. These sites are the largest and have the best views in the whole campground, we spent a month on site 5 last year and never wanted to leave. My 3-8 shift went by quickly, most of the campers got in before we closed, made a reservation for another co-worker to come in just for Saturday night and took more reservations for next weekend. Next weekend is Christmas in August here so Dave and I will be getting out the lights and a few decorations we held onto and get the RV decorated for the event.
getting the motor going |
See you at dinner time |
Saturday by 11am they had the pig roasting away in the pit and the pit bosses were on duty.
almost dinner time |
My 3-8 shift went by quickly helping with set up and then take down of the dinner, ice cream scooping, brisk ice and fire sales kept me busy the whole shift. I got home around 8:15 and we took a short walk around to say hi to Dave's coworkers and their families. Dave was limping pretty bad so knew he had overdone it, by 9:30 we were home, icing his ankle and ready for bed.
I am holding off on making anymore plans until we talk with the doctor and find out if we can leave when we want to. For now I am enjoying every ones adventures, some of them maybe coming east this fall, hope we can meet them. While we are not traveling right now, living in the RV has been so much more relaxing than having a sticks and bricks house, we have the benefits of living in a small town but none of the headaches-yard maintenance, property taxes, huge house upkeep, and all the other stuff that goes with owning a house. From time to time when working I get the question "are you the owner" and while this is a wonderful campground I am glad to not be the owner, again we get the benefits of living here but none of the ownership headaches. Tough life but someone has to do it.
Until next time...